“Raymond Perras is a certified instructor/facilitator, a certified professional coach and a certified life coach with over twenty years experience coaching individuals and organizations in peak performance in both business and sports. In his previous career as a professional engineer, he managed many projects involving a variety of disciplines, skills, expertise and abilities. On the sports side, his involvement spans over 40 years as a player, coach and in the last 20 years, as performance coach in hockey, football and other sports from the minor levels to the pros. Having witnessed the transformation of numerous clients from average to outstanding performers, he shares a process that anyone can apply to create awareness, internalize and integrate it, and master the knowledge to make it second nature.
In his writings, the author provides the framework and the techniques and practices that can help you to install a program in your daily routine that will ensure uniform, consistent and repeatable results. You will create peak performance in your life by applying the right stuff, in the right amount, at the right time™ (his definition of peak performance). Having learned from life that there is truth about the saying "winners make it happen, losers let it happen", Raymond has drawn a path to peak performance that enables you to build the capacity to influence your results. He is happy to share his perspectives on a process that requires hard work but leads to success in mastering your life.
Raymond lives in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. His performance coaching business provides services to individuals, businesses and sports organizations in Canada and the USA. He continues to research ways and means to increase the value of peak performance and share his reflections with clients who seek to transform themselves and their organizations in order to produce the best possible resources with the least amount of effort and stress.
Raymond offers coaching services to the domains including sports, education, healthcare, federal and provincial government departments, and a wide variety of private and non-profit organizations, always emphasizing a continuous improvement approach to minimize waste and increase effectiveness and results.
To explore partnering opportunities, please contact repars1@sympatico.ca or coachp@aimforlifemastery.com.