AïM for Life Mastery™
A process that will empower you to reach your chosen level of performance while reducing stress

This book is the product of the experience gained through many years of working with and leading individuals and teams in their journey to excellence. The concept of Peak Performance evolved over those years and has become encased in the words "the right stuff, in the right amount, at the right time™". It is a simple and concise way to describe a process which ensures the best results with the least effort and the least stress.
Useful and highly motivational, this text is a recipe for the person who seeks to reach his or her full potential by implementing peak performance. Through recognizing the abilities you have already acquired in your life, becoming fully aware of them, integrating them to your routine through practice, you will become a peak performer.
The book also contains numerous suggestions and techniques to help you eliminate some of the barriers to your best performances. By using the ideas and concepts presented in the book, you will discover capabilities and possibilities to use in a timely and effective way, some that you surely seldom thought about using in the past.
For more information, Contact the author at coachP@aimforlifemastery.com or repars1@sympatico.ca.
See Book Trailer
10 Discussions for Effective Leadership
10 Ways to Exceed Your Expectations as a Leader

This is the second book from the lead author, Raymond Perras. Teaming up with two leadership coaching clients (Marcel Bellefeuille from the world of professional sports, and Bruno Lindia, a CEO and business owner), Raymond has developed a unique and groundbreaking effort to bring forward some issues that do not often get dealt with in a leadership book. Based on the concept of Peak Performance (the right stuff, in the right amount, at the right time), this work provides a leader with insight into how to maximize results while reducing stress.
Tapping their experiences in leading and coaching leaders, the authors have shared insights into some of the less glamorous aspects of leadership. The goal is to raise a leader's awareness to the fact that the team results can be improved when attention is paid to specific aspects of leadership in order to increase effectiveness. The implementation of a thinking process that ensures a continuous effort to seek peak performance ultimately enables everyone to exceed expectations.
Publication planned for early 2013
The 5 Pillars of Leadership in a Peak Performance Environment
How The Little Things Make a BIG DIFFERENCE

In his first book, AïM for Life Mastery, Raymond laid out a process to implement personal peak performance. However, in the context of a team, organization or workplace, peak performance will flourish only if the environment is conducive to the development and maintenance of peak performance. This book provides the person in charge with five key elements to focus on and act upon to foster the creation of an environment that will allow and enable people to act with excellence, effectiveness and efficiency to produce peak performance on a routine basis.
It starts with character. A powerful leader will make sure that he or she applies good practices to leadership: have a vision and share it; practice innovation as a routine; remove barriers to performance; model the way; celebrate success to help maintain motivation.
Then a clear desire to empower must be continuously transferred to build trust and accountability. That is followed by a sustained effort to build the team so that everyone is inside the bubble and can deploy competencies associated with organizational capabilities to produce effort-less effectiveness. The environment for peak performance will be framed by a measure of management of systems and leadership for the people so that product or service delivery is facilitated. Finally, a good measure of coaching to help people develop their potential will ensure the best possible results with the least efforts possible.
This book is a reference to be contemplated in adjusting one’s effort to create a peak performance environment that survives the normal ups and downs of everyday life in an organization, no matter what its mission happens to be.
AïM, la Maîtrise de la vie
Le pouvoir de choisir votre niveau de performance tout en réduisant votre stress
Version française révisée de AïM for Life Mastery par Raymond Perras

Ce livre est fondé sur l’expérience acquise au cours de nombreux projets d’accompagnement tant pour individus que pour des équipes et organisations en marche vers l’excellence. Le concept de performance optimale a évolué à travers ces années pour devenir l’implantation de la bonne chose, dans le bon dosage, au bon momentMC. C’est une méthode simple et précise de décrire un processus qui mène aux meilleurs résultats possible avec le moindre effort et un minimum de stress.
Il se veut un texte utile et motivationnel pour celui ou celle qui veut une recette pour atteindre son plein potentiel en implantant la performance optimale. En utilisant vos habiletés déjà acquises, en en prenant vraiment conscience, en les intégrant à votre routine par la pratique, vous deviendrez adepte de la performance optimale.
Le livre contient aussi nombres de suggestions et techniques pour vous aider à éliminer les barrières à votre meilleure performance. En utilisant les idées et concepts de ce livre, vous découvrirez des capacités et possibilités que vous n’auriez peu souvent pensé à utiliser de façon consciente.
Ready, Aim, Captivate!
Put Magic in Your Message and a Fortune in Your Future
Exclusive Expert Interviews Featuring Deepak Chopra, Ran Zilca,
Suzi Pomenrantz,
Raymond Perras, Dan Janal, Jim Stovall and others.”

Ready, Aim, Captivate! brings together experts, entrepreneurs and authorities on how to take your individual message and use it to reach out to others, change lives and captivate hearts. They were once someone in a bookstore reading the introduction to a book they hoped would teach them how to get where they wanted to go. They had to learn how to balance success at work while maintaining happiness at home. You are not alone.
Each of us has a message to share with the world. Some people were born with obvious gifts. Others have known since they were children what they wanted to be. You may be thinking, “But what about me? I’m just a regular person with a passion for something but I have no idea how to put it to work to help anyone.”
Sit down and be inspired by this collection of interviews. Embark on a journey that will help you find your gift, explore your talents and teach you to touch lives with your passion and your purpose. Allow these people to show you what it takes to make your message magical. Prepare to be captivated!
Ready, Aim, Excel!
The Expert Insights Weekly Guide to Personal and Professional Leadership
Featuring Marshall Goldsmith, Cathy Greenberg, Raymond Perras, Relly Nadler, Ken Blanchard, and 47 Top Leadership Experts

We all have leadership roles. You don‘t have to have a title to be a leader. Take a look around you and you will find lessons in leadership everywhere.
We live in the most confusing climate of our era when leadership theories and methods are just not as effective as they used to be. New slants on old models aren‘t cutting it anymore. We are increasingly challenged to form meaningful connections and communication in the midst of a technology-driven society. Yesterday‘s solutions won‘t solve today‘s problems. To be an effective leader, we must identify a new approach.
In this indispensable resource, top visionaries and experts share their leadership secrets and proven methods. You have a vision for your future and your contribution to the world? Allow each of these experts to share with you their own personal journey. Explore the dedication it required, which processes proved successful, where it led them, and what they learned along the way. Each conversation contained in these pages is empowering, inspiring, and priceless. A wealth of information awaits to guide you on your own journey to the best you can be.
Let go of your fears. Try something new. Step into a promising future.