AïM for Life Mastery™
by Raymond Perras
Peak Performance and its method are key to successful ventures in this new book.
Raymond Perras proposes the concept of peak performance as a new business paradigm, one which strives to exceed expectations and push the envelope of performance to new levels of excellence.
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ISBN 13 (TP): 9781467033268
ISBN 13 (HB): 9781467033251
ISBN 13 (eBook): 9781467033244

10 Discussions for Effective Leadership
by R. Perras, M. Bellefeuille, B. Lindia
10 Ways to Exceed Your Expectations as a leader. Learn to contemplate and integrate some often forgotten leaderships actions into your daily routine. They can either ensure massive success through focused execution or lead to disastrous failure for your team if you should forget their importance
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ISBN 13 (TP): 978-1-47727-770-6
ISBN 13 (HB): 978-1-47727-769-0
ISBN 13 (eBook): 978-1-47727-768-3

The 5 Pillars of Leadership in a Peak Performance Environment
How The Little Things Make a BIG DIFFERENCE
Publication in early 2013
ISBN 13 (TP):
ISBN 13 (HB):
ISBN 13 (eBook):

AïM, la Maîtrise de la vie
Le pouvoir de choisir votre niveau de performance tout en réduisant votre stress
Version française révisée de AïM for Life Mastery par Raymond Perras
La Performance Optimale et sa méthode d'application telles que décrites dans ce livre sont des éléments clés de votre réussite. Raymond Perras vous propose un concept de la performance optimale comme nouveau modèle d'action en affaires, dans le sport, ou votre vie personnelle, qui vous permettra de dépasser vos attentes et atteindre de nouveaux sommets d'excellence.
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ISBN 13 (TP): 9781477293553
ISBN 13 (HB): 9781477293546
ISBN 13 (eBook): 9781477293539

Ready, Aim, Captivate!
Put Magic in Your Message and a Fortune in Your Future
Exclusive Expert Interviews Featuring Deepak Chopra, Ran Zilca,Suzi Pomenrantz, Raymond Perras, Dan Janal, and Jim Stovall
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ISBN 13 (TP):
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ISBN 13 (eBook):

Ready, Aim, Excel!
The Expert Insights Weekly Guide to Personal and Professional Leadership
Featuring Marshall Goldsmith, Cathy Greenberg, Ray Perras, Relly Nadler, Ken Blanchard, and 47 Top Leadership Experts
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ISBN 13 (TP):
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ISBN 13 (eBook):